Guide To Organic Pest Control Methods In Your Home Roof Garden

Guide To Organic Pest Control Methods In Your Home Roof Garden
Guide To Organic Pest Control Methods In Your Home Roof Garden

Everyone has few favorite plants at home which are kept on terrace, roof or indoors and using organic pest control methods to keep the pest like bacteria, fungi away from causing deteriorating means to keep the plants healthy and this will also make the environment clean and safe. Such work involves going through several difficulties, and one of the most troublesome problems is pest infestation. Unfortunately, some gardeners are easy prey for the craving of chemical pesticides, even though more and more of them are using the green methods of organic pest controls. Organic pest control doesn’t necessarily mean that your plants won’t become ill. We should therefore start looking at an organic pest guide to ensure that your plants are disease free and green.

Methods To Improve Plants Health And Reduce Pest Infestation

1. Companion Planting

The initial key guideline of organic pest control is to garden by companion planting. In particular, the manner in which certain plants deter pests or, else, act as magnets for beneficial insects by nature is noteworthy. For example, sowing marigolds foils off the nematodes whereas basil helps to protect the tomato from an aphid’s attack. Research suitable companion planting methods in order to achieve the much desired in your backyard.

2. Beneficial Insects

Establishing surplus of beneficial insects is indeed the main component towards the implementation of organic pest control. Examples of such predators are ladybugs, bugs lacewings, and predatory beetles that have a considerable effect on some specific garden pests that may cause severe damage. You can attract these beneficial insects, which visit and pollinate these flowers such as butterflies, bees or beetles, by growing plants that they like or put up insect hotels so that they will have a place to live.

3. Neem Oil

Neem Oil is known among organic farmers and is quite capable of controlling a range of pests. It messes up their life cycle meaning that they cannot thrive in the farm because they repel them or retard their growth. Neem oil is no-toxic for the plants and useful insects but keeping the peak pollination times in mind, it should be used carefully.

4. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is an organic product that is extracted from the fossilized organisms that lived millions of years ago. Their bone structure was made up of the skeleton remains of the tiny and silica-contained aquatic organisms called diatoms. The larvae of chysoperla produces toxin that have the ability to potently damage the exoskeletons of insects which in turn dehydrates their body thus they die. Diatomaceous earth, apart from being harmless to plants as well as humans, is powdery in nature and therefore, to protect oneself from inhaling it, needs to be used with caution.

5. Homemade Pest Sprays

Develop your own garden pests sprays employing typical household ingredients for example water, garlic, and dish soap have the potential of being your best friend in agricultural waste management. Beyond that, an addictive combination of neem oil, soap and water could help maintain a vast array of insects. Just like there are many combinations in home that you can use while making sprays, you can search in internet for all these.

6. Crop Rotation

By rotating crops in a vertical organic way the soil pests and diseases won’t accumulate and build up. The procedure of planting different crops every season breaks bugs into the elements of their life and hence lessens your chances of extreme pest infestation.

7. Physical Barriers

Physically isolate your plants from such pests using protective barriers. The use of things as row covers, on the other hand, can thwart the insects off your crops but still let sunshine and rainfall to pass through. The tactics will be used for preservation of plants against the insects under airborne.

8. Healthy Soil

A garden is a microcosm of nature and healthy soil is the core of it. The main thing is to create plant-filled soil with the help of compost, organic matter, and natural fertilizers. Thus plats derive their essential nutrition and insect/pest can also be eliminated.

9. Handpicking

Once in a while, even the most up to date approach is the simplest one to use. Use a handpicked frequency to inspect your plants and home by plucking any pests out yourself. Such a ‘dirty-clean’ tactic is labor-intensive, but it is extremely effective when applied to small to moderate infestations.

10. Educate Yourself

The weapon that gave power to the human is to attempt on organic pest control through knowledge. Be familiar with the different pests that are present in your area and that can attack the produces present in your garden. Study their life cycles and behaviors which will enable you to come up with ways you will use to target them.

Organic Pest Control Methods For Your Plants

Organic pests control for your garden calls for an organic way of pest control that is holistic in nature and which considers the whole ecosystem. What I do here is that I apply the aforementioned approaches so that I end up having a garden that is both healthy and strong and that doesn’t need chemicals to survive. The joys of gardening are seen deep in the human genome. Organic gardening is where the plants grow harmoniously together with the soil and the insects which creates a sustainable and flourishing ecosystem.

The organic pest control provides a number of options to deploy for the gardener to preserve a garden in a healthy way while causing little impact on the environment. Selecting an organic pesticides for you garden with items you can easily find in your home makes the treatment more affordable even as you contribute to an environment that is friendly.

1. Neem Oil

Neem insecticide is a key determinant in organic agriculture and has been produced from the neem tree. It shortens the insects life spark as well as repels many harmful insects. Combine the neem oil with water and a hardly strong dish soap to make a spray.

2. Garlic

Garlic itself has been endowed with innate enemy-deterring properties since time immemorial. Peel garlic and place it through a garlic press to form a solution with water. It can be sprayed on the plants to prevent pests all around.

3. Peppermint Oil

Scientific studies prove efficacy of peppermint oil as a natural repellent. Put a couple of drops of peppermint oil with multiple drops of liquid soap to your water to create an odour spray that wards off pests.

4. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder which is obtained from the dried remains of diatoms, the so called fossilized algae. By sprinkling it around the plants you create an obstacle for insects dehydrate and die. Mask while spreading this powder, exhaling, as well.

5. Soap Spray

A soap spray, which is made from liquid dish soap and water, is a simple way to make it. This can be a good alternative for eradicating soft-bodied insects like aphids. Make a mixture with the garlic water and spray it immediately on the pests.

6. Oil Spray

Vegetable oil, like canola or olives, shaken with soapy mild water to form oil spray. Yet, this is squeezing soft-bodied pests such as mites and aphids.

7. Citrus Peels

Citrus peels like those of oranges and lemons can be boiled, and thus concoct a citrus spray. It turns out to be a pesticide–against ants and other insects.

8. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper not only will keep most pests away but also will sweeten the air for passers-by. Moreover, it will push some others further away from the garden. Combining cayenne pepper with water and little bit soap to create a spray can be used to spray onto plants.

9. Coffee Grounds

These plant owners deserve a hearty thank you, as used coffee grounds can also prevent pests, such as snails and slugs. This seed makes things easier for you when all you need to do is put a seedling around the plants.

10. Eggshells

Egg shells crushed up can be scattered under the plants as a strategy to avoid slugs and snails that don’t like crawling on rough edges of the shell.

11. Onion and Chili Spray

Puree the onions and chili peppers with a lot of water and a little bit of soap, then push the liquid through a strainer. This could be an effective spray that assists in combatting numerous pests.

Consequently, when you work with these homemade remedies, it is vital to test them on small plants at first to see whether they can be harmful or not. A second important factor to note that is regularly look over your garden and apply that solutions as necessary. Natural pest control is a form of ecological agriculture that aims at preserving a balance in the organic nature through biological control measures and without the use of chemicals. Though they my work very slowly, but they do the job and as a friend of the plants and environment.

Image credit- Canva

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