Features-Qlik Sense A Modern Cloud Analytics BI Platform

Features-Qlik Sense A Modern Cloud Analytics BI Platform

Qlik Sense is a current age AI powered SaaS analytics, business intelligence that traverses data objects and shows statistical trends as well as visualizations and charts. In this function, it is intended to assist with discovering and examining the customer data visually in order to derive a wider perspective and pertinent decisions. Such open source data mining tools break language barriers that exist for people of all skill level, and no technical knowledge is needed since its AI and ML based cloud platform (tool’s associative analytics engine) enable people to work on data and hidden insights are discovered.

Qlik Sense capabilities includes self service visualization, interactive dashboard, data catalog, advanced & predictive analytics, reporting and mobility and many more features which makes it one of the best business intelligence tools. In this article, I’ll briefly explain the key capabilities and features of Qlik Sense BI tool.

1. Associative Data Model

The tool uses an associative data model, allowing users to explore and analyze data relationships dynamically. Selections made in one visualization automatically affect others, providing a holistic view of data.

2. Data Connectivity

Information retrieval is possible with it from a variety of data connectors, including databases, spreadsheets, cloud servers, and web based data services.

3. Data Visualization

The presentation of the data in a narrative style through various interactive tools like charts, graphs, tables, and maps into one visual presentation is amongst the most common data representations tool. The platform of Qlik Sense attracts users with its simplicity and drag-and-drop feature that is used for the designing of individual dashboards. Moreover, consumers can send the widget with an email to all stakeholders within the company, that would like to obtain digital insights.

4. Self-Service BI

Qlik Sense gives the users an ability to do self-service BI from report creation and to visualizations end with minimal IT support.

5. App Creation

Users can create custom apps to organize and share collections of related visualizations and data. You can share these Apps with other users for collaborative analysis.

6. Smart Search

It includes a smart search feature that allows users to search for and analyze data using natural language processing (NLP) queries. With this feature, businesses can quickly find relevant insights with ease.

7. Collaboration and Sharing

It provides features for collaboration, allowing users to share insights, visualizations, and apps with others. Collaboration features enhance teamwork and decision-making.

8. Mobile Compatibility

It is designed for mobile devices like phone and tablets, helping users to access and engage with these data graphics on their smartphone or tablet.

9. Security and Governance

QlikSense has security features like user access controls, encryption, and auditing which are really in-depth. It also creates a governance framework to direct the process of accessing and managing data by the appropriate parties.

10. Multi-Cloud Deployment

Qlik Sense supports different cloud deployment options and so users can design their BI solutions either on the premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment.

11. Extensions and APIs

The capabilities of Qlik Sense can be amplified through extensions and APIs that make it customizable with visualizations and functionality. With its flexibility, it helps them to select those features that match their particular requirements.

12. Real-Time Data Analysis

Qlik Sense and real-time data analysis help the process of making on-the-spot decisions, where decision-makers work with the most up-to-date information.

13. Data Storytelling

Through Qlik Sense, data stories become a prime focus and hence the companies are able to produce presentations which relate with the insights obtained from data in a narrative form.

Qlik Sense is appreciated for its simple data model based on association, and for its flexible modus operandi when doing data explorations. This technology is employed in many sectors to realize data insight and analytics as well as decision-making process and many other business processes.

Image credit- Canva

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